Where's my book?

When designing and saving a book on the new website without being logged in, the book is linked to your web browser's session.

This means that if you use a different web browser or different computer, or if enough time has passed that that session has expired, you won't see your book.

You need to go back to the web browser you created the book in, open the book and save the book to your account by registering or logging in.

You can see all your unassigned projects by visiting the "My Projects" page when you're not logged in. Open the project, and click "Save/Exit" and save and exit the project - you will be asked to log in. Logging in or Registering will save this project to your profile. Do this in each of your browsers.

When the project is saved to your profile and you may access it at any computer or in any browser by logging into your account.

If you really can't find your project, please send us detailed information about:

  1. If you have any links to the project in your browser's history, please send them through.
  2. When you created the project. ie. 2019-11-21 at 8:30pm
  3. When you last edited the project. ie. 2019-11-23 at 9:30pm
  4. How the front page or cover of the project looks - what colours, pictures or text can we use to identify it.
  5. What type of project / product it is. Ie. Hard Cover A5 Landscape with 38 pages.
  6. What website you created it on. ie. za.rapid.studio

We can then attempt to locate the project and assign it to your account 


Some Web Browsers:

Internet Explorer







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