Clear, cached information | Chrome

If you'd like to clear your cached login details, or any cached images or other information from RapidStudio in Chrome, First open Chrome and close any tabs that have RapidStudio loaded.


  1. Click the three dots at the top right,
  2. Settings
  3. Click the magnifying glass at the top and search for "Content settings" and click on it
  4. Click on Cookies and then All cookies and site data
  5. Search and delete the items shown in the results
  6. Close your settings and you're done.

You might want to do this if the site isn't loading correctly, if you're having trouble logging in, or you want your saved login to be removed.


If you're having trouble logging in or staying logged in, between step number 4 and 5 Make sure that "Allow sites to save and reed cookie data" is enabled.

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