We really want you to be happy with the photo book that you have received.
If you are not, please follow the steps below and we will try to resolve as quickly as possible.
E-mail: info@rapidstudio.co.za
Please include the following: Order number, and one or a few words to highlight to the problem eg RS500-0348 damaged cover, etc
Order number: RS00-
Book number (barcode number):
Description of problem:
1) Pictures or videos showing the problem.
2) Pictures of the white quality control label (found on the front of the box)
3) Pictures of the packaging (Only if it is physically damaged)
What will happen:
- Quality issues will be added to our daily quality control meeting (this will apply to most queries, you can expect an response before latest noon the following day)
Collection address: Person and Telephone Number and the person to collect from only supply if applicable eg if a collection might be considered necessary after the support team has reviewed the case.